Category: At least Windows Server 2008
Disallow locally attached storage as backup target
This policy setting allows you to manage whether backups of a machine can run to locally attached storage or not. If you enable this policy setting machine administrator/backup operator cannot use Windows Server Backup to run backups to a locally attached storage or disk. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting there is no restriction on locally attached storage or disk being backup target.
Disallow network as backup target
This policy setting allows you to manage whether backups of a machine can run to a network share or not. If you enable this policy setting machine administrator/backup operator cannot use Windows Server Backup to run backups to a network share. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting there is no restriction on network share being backup target.
Disallow optical media as backup target
This policy setting allows you to manage whether backups of a machine can run to an optical media or not. If you enable this policy setting machine administrator/backup operator cannot use Windows Server Backup to run backups to an optical media. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting there is no restriction on optical media being backup target.
Disallow run-once backups
This policy setting allows you to manage whether run-once backups of a machine can be run or not. If you enable this policy setting machine administrator/backup operator cannot use Windows Server Backup to run non-scheduled run-once backups. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting there is no restriction on running run-once backups.
Allow only system backup
This policy setting allows you to manage whether backups of only system volumes is allowed or both OS and data volumes can be backed up. If you enable this policy setting machine administrator/backup operator can backup only volumes hosting OS components and no data only volumes can be backed up. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting backups can include both system or data volumes.
Always show desktop on connection
This policy setting allows you to specify whether the desktop is always displayed after a client connects to a remote computer or whether an initial program can run. It can require that the desktop be displayed after a client connects to a remote computer even if an initial program is already specified in the default user profile Remote Desktop Connection or through Group Policy. If you enable this policy setting the desktop is always displayed when a client connects to a remote computer. This policy setting overrides any initial program policy settings. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting an initial program can be specified that runs on the remote computer after the client connects to the remote computer. If an initial program is not specified the desktop is always displayed on the remote computer after the client connects to the remote computer. Note: If this policy setting is enabled then the “Start a program on connection” policy setting is ignored.
Allow remote start of unlisted programs
This policy setting allows you to specify whether remote users can start any program on the RD Session Host server when they start a Remote Desktop Services session or whether they can only start programs that are listed in the RemoteApp programs list. You can control which programs on an RD Session Host server can be started remotely by using the RemoteApp Manager on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008. If you are using Windows Server 2012 R2 you can configure this in the Collection properties sheet by using Server Manager. By default only programs in the RemoteApp Programs list can be started when a user starts a Remote Desktop Services session. If you enable this policy setting remote users can start any program on the RD Session Host server when they start a Remote Desktop Services session. For example a remote user can do this by specifying the program’s executable path at connection time by using the Remote Desktop Connection client. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting remote users can only start programs that are listed in the RemoteApp programs list when they start a Remote Desktop Services session.
Use RD Connection Broker load balancing
This policy setting allows you to specify whether to use the RD Connection Broker load balancing feature to balance the load between servers in an RD Session Host server farm. If you enable this policy setting RD Connection Broker redirects users who do not have an existing session to the RD Session Host server in the farm with the fewest sessions. Redirection behavior for users with existing sessions is not affected. If the server is configured to use RD Connection Broker users who have an existing session are redirected to the RD Session Host server where their session exists. If you disable this policy setting users who do not have an existing session log on to the first RD Session Host server to which they connect. If you do not configure this policy setting you can configure the RD Session Host server to participate in RD Connection Broker load balancing by using the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool or the Remote Desktop Services WMI provider. Note: If you enable this policy setting you must also enable the Join RD Connection Broker the Configure RD Connection Broker farm name and the Configure RD Connection Broker server name policy settings.
Redirect only the default client printer
This policy setting allows you to specify whether the default client printer is the only printer redirected in Remote Desktop Services sessions. If you enable this policy setting only the default client printer is redirected in Remote Desktop Services sessions. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting all client printers are redirected in Remote Desktop Services sessions.
Redirect only the default client printer
This policy setting allows you to specify whether the default client printer is the only printer redirected in Remote Desktop Services sessions. If you enable this policy setting only the default client printer is redirected in Remote Desktop Services sessions. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting all client printers are redirected in Remote Desktop Services sessions.