Turn off Tracking Protection

This policy setting allows you to turn off Tracking Protection. Tracking Protection helps users control whether third parties can automatically collect information about their browsing based on the sites that they visit. Tracking Protection does this by identifying third-party content that is used by multiple websites that users have visited. If you enable this policy setting Tracking Protection is disabled in all browsing sessions and Tracking Protection data is not collected. If you disable this policy setting Tracking Protection is available for use. If you do not configure this policy setting it can be configured through the registry.

Turn off Tracking Protection

This policy setting allows you to turn off Tracking Protection. Tracking Protection helps users control whether third parties can automatically collect information about their browsing based on the sites that they visit. Tracking Protection does this by identifying third-party content that is used by multiple websites that users have visited. If you enable this policy setting Tracking Protection is disabled in all browsing sessions and Tracking Protection data is not collected. If you disable this policy setting Tracking Protection is available for use. If you do not configure this policy setting it can be configured through the registry.

Establish Tracking Protection threshold

This policy setting allows you to establish the threshold for Tracking Protection Automatic mode. The threshold sets the number of first-party sites that a particular third-party item can be referenced from before it is blocked. Setting this value lower can help prevent more third-party sites from obtaining details about a user’s browsing. However doing so may cause compatibility issues on some websites. The allowed value range is 3 through 30. If you enable this policy setting the selected value is enforced. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting the user can establish the Tracking Protection threshold by clicking the Safety button and then clicking Tracking Protection.

Establish Tracking Protection threshold

This policy setting allows you to establish the threshold for Tracking Protection Automatic mode. The threshold sets the number of first-party sites that a particular third-party item can be referenced from before it is blocked. Setting this value lower can help prevent more third-party sites from obtaining details about a user’s browsing. However doing so may cause compatibility issues on some websites. The allowed value range is 3 through 30. If you enable this policy setting the selected value is enforced. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting the user can establish the Tracking Protection threshold by clicking the Safety button and then clicking Tracking Protection.

Display tabs on a separate row

This policy setting allows you to manage where tabs are displayed. If you enable this policy setting tabs are displayed on a separate row. If you disable this policy setting tabs are not displayed on a separate row. If you do not configure this policy setting the user can change where tabs are displayed.

Display tabs on a separate row

This policy setting allows you to manage where tabs are displayed. If you enable this policy setting tabs are displayed on a separate row. If you disable this policy setting tabs are not displayed on a separate row. If you do not configure this policy setting the user can change where tabs are displayed.

Prevent configuration of top-result search on Address bar

This policy setting allows you to specify whether a user can browse to the website of a top result when search is enabled on the Address bar. The possible options are: • Disable top result search: When a user performs a search in the Address bar a list of search results from the selected search provider is displayed in the main window. • Enable top result search: When a user performs a search in the Address bar the user is directed to an external top result website determined by the search provider if available. If you enable this policy setting you can choose where to direct the user after a search on the Address bar: a top-result website or a search-results webpage in the main window. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting the user can select their preference for this behavior. Browsing to the top-result website is the default.

Prevent configuration of top-result search on Address bar

This policy setting allows you to specify whether a user can browse to the website of a top result when search is enabled on the Address bar. The possible options are: • Disable top result search: When a user performs a search in the Address bar a list of search results from the selected search provider is displayed in the main window. • Enable top result search: When a user performs a search in the Address bar the user is directed to an external top result website determined by the search provider if available. If you enable this policy setting you can choose where to direct the user after a search on the Address bar: a top-result website or a search-results webpage in the main window. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting the user can select their preference for this behavior. Browsing to the top-result website is the default.