Disable binding directly to IPropertySetStorage without intermediate layers.

Changes the behavior of IShellFolder::BindToObject for IID_IPropertySetStorage to not bind directly to the IPropertySetStorage implementation and to include the intermediate layers provided by the Property System. This behavior is consistent with Windows Vista’s behavior in this scenario. This disables access to user-defined properties and properties stored in NTFS secondary streams.

Turn off display of recent search entries in the File Explorer search box

Disables suggesting recent queries for the Search Box and prevents entries into the Search Box from being stored in the registry for future references. File Explorer shows suggestion pop-ups as users type into the Search Box. These suggestions are based on their past entries into the Search Box. Note: If you enable this policy File Explorer will not show suggestion pop-ups as users type into the Search Box and it will not store Search Box entries into the registry for future references. If the user types a property values that match this property will be shown but no data will be saved in the registry or re-shown on subsequent uses of the search box.

Turn off Windows Libraries features that rely on indexed file data

This policy setting allows you to turn off Windows Libraries features that need indexed file metadata to function properly. If you enable this policy some Windows Libraries features will be turned off to better handle included folders that have been redirected to non-indexed network locations. Setting this policy will: * Disable all Arrangement views except for “By Folder” * Disable all Search filter suggestions other than “Date Modified” and “Size” * Disable view of file content snippets in Content mode when search results are returned * Disable ability to stack in the Context menu and Column headers * Exclude Libraries from the scope of Start searchThis policy will not enable users to add unsupported locations to Libraries. If you enable this policy Windows Libraries features that rely on indexed file data will be disabled. If you disable or do not configure this policy all default Windows Libraries features will be enabled.

Disable Known Folders

This policy setting allows you to specify a list of known folders that should be disabled. Disabling a known folder will prevent the underlying file or directory from being created via the known folder API. If the folder exists before the policy is applied the folder must be manually deleted since the policy only blocks the creation of the folder. You can specify a known folder using its known folder id or using its canonical name. For example the Sample Videos known folder can be disabled by specifying {440fcffd-a92b-4739-ae1a-d4a54907c53f} or SampleVideos. Note: Disabling a known folder can introduce application compatibility issues in applications that depend on the existence of the known folder.

Verify old and new Folder Redirection targets point to the same share before redirecting

This policy setting allows you to prevent data loss when you change the target location for Folder Redirection and the new and old targets point to the same network share but have different network paths. If you enable this policy setting Folder Redirection creates a temporary file in the old location in order to verify that new and old locations point to the same network share. If both new and old locations point to the same share the target path is updated and files are not copied or deleted. The temporary file is deleted. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting Folder Redirection does not create a temporary file and functions as if both new and old locations point to different shares when their network paths are different. Note: If the paths point to different network shares this policy setting is not required. If the paths point to the same network share any data contained in the redirected folders is deleted if this policy setting is not enabled.

Pin Libraries or Search Connectors to the “Search again” links and the Start menu

This policy setting allows up to five Libraries or Search Connectors to be pinned to the “Search again” links and the Start menu links. The “Search again” links at the bottom of the Search Results view allow the user to reconduct a search but in a different location. To add a Library or Search Connector link specify the path of the . Library-ms or . searchConnector-ms file in the “Location” text box (for example “C: -> sampleLibrary. Library-ms” for the Documents library or “C: -> sampleSearchConnector. searchConnector-ms” for a Search Connector). The pinned link will only work if this path is valid and the location contains the specified . Library-ms or . searchConnector-ms file. You can add up to five additional links to the “Search again” links at the bottom of results returned in File Explorer after a search is executed. These links will be shared between Internet search sites and Search Connectors/Libraries. Search Connector/Library links take precedence over Internet search links. The first several links will also be pinned to the Start menu. A total of four links can be included on the Start menu. The “See more results” link will be pinned first by default unless it is disabled via Group Policy. The “Search the Internet” link is pinned second if it is pinned via Group Policy (though this link is disabled by default). If a custom Internet search link is pinned using the “Custom Internet search provider” Group Policy this link will be pinned third on the Start menu. The remaining link(s) will be shared between pinned Search Connectors/Libraries and pinned Internet/intranet search links. Search Connector/Library links take precedence over Internet/intranet search links. If you enable this policy setting the specified Libraries or Search Connectors will appear in the “Search again” links and the Start menu links. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting no Libraries or Search Connectors will appear in the “Search again” links or the Start menu links.

Pin Internet search sites to the “Search again” links and the Start menu

This policy setting allows you to add Internet or intranet sites to the “Search again” links located at the bottom of search results in File Explorer and the Start menu links. The “Search again” links at the bottom of the Search Results view allow the user to reconduct a search but in a different location. The Internet search site will be searched with the text in the search box. To add an Internet search site specify the URL of the search site in OpenSearch format with {searchTerms} for the query string (for example http://www. example. com/results. aspx?q={searchTerms}). You can add up to five additional links to the “Search again” links at the bottom of results returned in File Explorer after a search is executed. These links will be shared between Internet search sites and Search Connectors/Libraries. Search Connector/Library links take precedence over Internet search links. The first several links will also be pinned to the Start menu. A total of four links can be pinned on the Start menu. The “See more results” link will be pinned first by default unless it is disabled via Group Policy. The “Search the Internet” link is pinned second if it is pinned via Group Policy (though this link is disabled by default). If a custom Internet search link is pinned using the “Custom Internet search provider” Group Policy this link will be pinned third on the Start menu. The remaining link(s) will be shared between pinned Internet/intranet links and pinned Search Connectors/Libraries. Search Connector/Library links take precedence over Internet/intranet search links. If you enable this policy setting the specified Internet sites will appear in the “Search again” links and the Start menu links. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting no custom Internet search sites will be added to the “Search again” links or the Start menu links.

Remove the Search the Internet “Search again” link

If you enable this policy the “Internet” “Search again” link will not be shown when the user performs a search in the Explorer window. If you disable this policy there will be an “Internet” “Search again” link when the user performs a search in the Explorer window. This button launches a search in the default browser with the search terms. If you do not configure this policy (default) there will be an “Internet” link when the user performs a search in the Explorer window.

Turn off shell protocol protected mode

This policy setting allows you to configure the amount of functionality that the shell protocol can have. When using the full functionality of this protocol applications can open folders and launch files. The protected mode reduces the functionality of this protocol allowing applications to only open a limited set of folders. Applications are not able to open files with this protocol when it is in the protected mode. It is recommended to leave this protocol in the protected mode to increase the security of Windows. If you enable this policy setting the protocol is fully enabled allowing the opening of folders and files. If you disable this policy setting the protocol is in the protected mode allowing applications to only open a limited set of folders. If you do not configure this policy setting the protocol is in the protected mode allowing applications to only open a limited set of folders.