Allow websites to open windows without status bar or Address bar

This policy setting controls whether websites can open new Internet Explorer windows that have no status bar or Address bar. If you enable this policy setting websites can open new Internet Explorer windows that have no status bar or Address bar. If you disable this policy setting websites cannot open new Internet Explorer windows that have no status bar or Address bar. If you do not configure this policy setting the user can choose whether websites can open new Internet Explorer Windows that have no status bar or Address bar.

Allow video and animation on a webpage that uses an older media player

This policy setting allows the playing of video and animation through older media players in specified zones. Video and animation playback through the object tag may still be allowed because this involves external controls or media players. The dynsrc attribute on the img tag specifies an older media player. Also as of Internet Explorer 8 this policy setting controls HTML+TIME media elements that refer to audio and video files. If you enable this policy setting video and animation can be played through older media players in specified zones. If you disable this policy setting video and animation cannot be played through older media players. If you do not configure this policy setting video and animation can be played through older media players in specified zones.

Allow scriptlets

This policy setting allows you to manage whether the user can run scriptlets. If you enable this policy setting the user can run scriptlets. If you disable this policy setting the user cannot run scriptlets. If you do not configure this policy setting the user can enable or disable scriptlets.

Turn off first-run prompt

This policy setting controls the first-run response that the user sees on a zone-by-zone basis. When the user encounters a new control that has not previously run in Internet Explorer he or she may be prompted to approve the control. This policy setting determines whether the user is prompted. If you enable this policy setting the first-run prompt is turned off in the corresponding zone. If you disable this policy setting the first-run prompt is turned on in the corresponding zone. If you do not configure this policy setting the first-run prompt is turned off by default.

Software channel permissions

This policy setting allows you to manage software channel permissions. If you enable this policy setting you can choose the following options from the drop-down box. Low safety to allow users to be notified of software updates by e-mail software packages to be automatically downloaded to users’ computers and software packages to be automatically installed on users’ computers. Medium safety to allow users to be notified of software updates by e-mail and software packages to be automatically downloaded to (but not installed on) users’ computers. High safety to prevent users from being notified of software updates by e-mail software packages from being automatically downloaded to users’ computers and software packages from being automatically installed on users’ computers. If you disable this policy setting permissions are set to high safety. If you do not configure this policy setting permissions are set to Low safety.

Submit non-encrypted form data

This policy setting allows you to manage whether data on HTML forms on pages in the zone may be submitted. Forms sent with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption are always allowed; this setting only affects non-SSL form data submission. If you enable this policy setting information using HTML forms on pages in this zone can be submitted automatically. If you select Prompt in the drop-down box users are queried to choose whether to allow information using HTML forms on pages in this zone to be submitted. If you disable this policy setting information using HTML forms on pages in this zone is prevented from being submitted. If you do not configure this policy setting information using HTML forms on pages in this zone can be submitted automatically.

Run . NET Framework-reliant components not signed with Authenticode

This policy setting allows you to manage whether . NET Framework components that are not signed with Authenticode can be executed from Internet Explorer. These components include managed controls referenced from an object tag and managed executables referenced from a link. If you enable this policy setting Internet Explorer will execute unsigned managed components. If you select Prompt in the drop-down box Internet Explorer will prompt the user to determine whether to execute unsigned managed components. If you disable this policy setting Internet Explorer will not execute unsigned managed components. If you do not configure this policy setting Internet Explorer will not execute unsigned managed components.

Userdata persistence

This policy setting allows you to manage the preservation of information in the browser’s history in favorites in an XML store or directly within a Web page saved to disk. When a user returns to a persisted page the state of the page can be restored if this policy setting is appropriately configured. If you enable this policy setting users can preserve information in the browser’s history in favorites in an XML store or directly within a Web page saved to disk. If you disable this policy setting users cannot preserve information in the browser’s history in favorites in an XML store or directly within a Web page saved to disk. If you do not configure this policy setting users can preserve information in the browser’s history in favorites in an XML store or directly within a Web page saved to disk.

Run ActiveX controls and plugins

This policy setting allows you to manage whether ActiveX controls and plug-ins can be run on pages from the specified zone. If you enable this policy setting controls and plug-ins can run without user intervention. If you selected Prompt in the drop-down box users are asked to choose whether to allow the controls or plug-in to run. If you disable this policy setting controls and plug-ins are prevented from running. If you do not configure this policy setting controls and plug-ins are prevented from running.

Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting

This policy setting allows you to manage whether an ActiveX control marked safe for scripting can interact with a script. If you enable this policy setting script interaction can occur automatically without user intervention. If you select Prompt in the drop-down box users are queried to choose whether to allow script interaction. If you disable this policy setting script interaction is prevented from occurring. If you do not configure this policy setting script interaction can occur automatically without user intervention.