Turn off Automatic Download of updates on Win8 machines

Enables or disables the automatic download of app updates on PCs running Windows 8. If you enable this setting the automatic download of app updates is turned off. If you disable this setting the automatic download of app updates is turned on. If you don’t configure this setting the automatic download of app updates is determined by a registry setting that the user can change using Settings in the Windows Store.

Turn off Automatic Download and Install of updates

Enables or disables the automatic download and installation of app updates. If you enable this setting the automatic download and installation of app updates is turned off. If you disable this setting the automatic download and installation of app updates is turned on. If you don’t configure this setting the automatic download and installation of app updates is determined by a registry setting that the user can change using Settings in the Windows Store.

Turn off automatic termination of applications that block or cancel shutdown

This policy setting specifies whether Windows will allow console applications and GUI applications without visible top-level windows to block or cancel shutdown. By default such applications are automatically terminated if they attempt to cancel shutdown or block it indefinitely. If you enable this setting console applications or GUI applications without visible top-level windows that block or cancel shutdown will not be automatically terminated during shutdown. If you disable or do not configure this setting these applications will be automatically terminated during shutdown helping to ensure that Windows can shut down faster and more smoothly.

last interactive user automatically after a system-initiated restart

This policy setting controls whether a device will automatically sign-in the last interactive user after Windows Update restarts the system. If you enable or do not configure this policy setting the device securely saves the user’s credentials (including the user name domain and encrypted password) to configure automatic sign-in after a Windows Update restart. After the Windows Update restart the user is automatically signed-in and the session is automatically locked with all the lock screen apps configured for that user. If you disable this policy setting the device does not store the user’s credentials for automatic sign-in after a Windows Update restart. The users’ lock screen apps are not restarted after the system restarts.

Custom User Interface

Specifies an alternate user interface. The Explorer program (%windir% -> explorer. exe) creates the familiar Windows interface but you can use this setting to specify an alternate interface. If you enable this setting the system starts the interface you specify instead of Explorer. exe. To use this setting copy your interface program to a network share or to your system drive. Then enable this setting and type the name of the interface program including the file name extension in the Shell name text box. If the interface program file is not located in a folder specified in the Path environment variable for your system enter the fully qualified path to the file. If you disable this setting or do not configure it the setting is ignored and the system displays the Explorer interface. Tip: To find the folders indicated by the Path environment variable click System Properties in Control Panel click the Advanced tab click the Environment Variables button and then in the System variables box click Path.

Report when logon server was not available during user logon

This policy controls whether the logged on user should be notified if the logon server could not be contacted during logon and he has been logged on using previously stored account information. If enabled a notification popup will be displayed to the user when the user logs on with cached credentials. If disabled or not configured no popup will be displayed to the user.

Report when logon server was not available during user logon

This policy controls whether the logged on user should be notified if the logon server could not be contacted during logon and he has been logged on using previously stored account information. If enabled a notification popup will be displayed to the user when the user logs on with cached credentials. If disabled or not configured no popup will be displayed to the user.