Turn on the display of script errors

This policy setting specifies whether to display script errors when a page does not appear properly because of problems with its scripting. This feature is off by default but it is useful to developers when they are testing webpages. If you enable this policy setting the user is shown script errors when a page does not appear properly because of problems with its scripting. The user cannot change this policy setting. If you disable this policy setting the user is not shown script errors when a page does not appear properly because of problems with its scripting. The user cannot change this policy setting. If you do not configure this policy setting the user can turn on or turn off the display of script errors.

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  1. 1
    Registry path is:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Policies -> Microsoft -> Internet Explorer -> Main # Error Dlg Displayed On Every Error

  2. 2
    The Administrative Template path is:

    Windows Components -> Internet Explorer -> Internet Settings -> Advanced settings -> Browsing

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